Monday, June 1, 2015


June 1, 2015

The thermostat doesn't lie, it's picking up heat down here in the
desert valley! At least I don't have to worry about freezing right?

We were asked to give the 5th Sunday, 3rd hour lesson
about the new ward mission plan we created, "#PrayInvite". Pray for
guidance and courage, then invite someone to anything at all. Even
active members. Crazy simple, easy, and doable. It's cool to see the
ward as a family hop on board and Elder Smith and I have already seen
the mindset starting to shift. Missionary work isn't a chore nor
should it be. In a place like Verrado I've learned that we have to
work with the members or nothing productive will get done. Even though
we've only have had 7 family home evenings, I can already see the
difference it's making and how it'll help missionary work in the long

Something Elder Smith and I have been trying is Tajin with fruit like
we saw it in the MTC. Super delicious, now we're hooked. It's very
nice having a companion who you share food with because we now eat
healthy, feeling full, and we have money left over at the end of the

The Barreto's son came home from his mission in Morristown, New Jersey
this week (told me he knew Heather, small world). It's really weird
because I've been looking at his missionary plaque since October and
never thought I would be here when he returned. He was a really good
missionary from the look of things. It was good talking to him about
his experiences. Sister Barreto is kind of the coolest ever. I'm happy
she sent a video to Mom, I mean who wouldn't want a surprise video of
this kid? jk.

Elder Bryan

May 18, 2015

This week was wonderfully cool. We've been saved by a lot of clouds and some rainstorms-very rare this time of year. I'll take it though. One of our big goals was to get Elder Smith to meet every member as well as to roll out a ward mission plan or "theme". Even though we had fewer lessons, we've set up a great foundation to build on. 

Our focus is to change the mentality of the ward that in order to do missionary work you have to pass out copies of the Book of Mormon to everyone, invite neighbors over to dinner and conveniently invite the missionaries over at the same time without either party knowing the other will be there (least favorite moments as a missionary, even I don't want to be there!), or shout from a mountaintop(or Facebook) your testimony. Its much easier and natural than that! How much more meaningful would it be if you had friends over for dinner (without the missionaries, unless you've warned them and asked if it'd be ok with them. Please) had a pray over the food, were yourselves. If people felt comfortable around us then they could ask their real questions that they really want to know about. The gospel conversation would come up wither you planned it or not. I can't believe it's taken so long for me to understand this. Even after conferences talks on the subject of being a member instead of forcing yourself to be a missionary. I've noticed that my teaching has improved as I've shifted over to being more "Chase, with a message". I'm learning! 

I love being here, working closely with members and teaching people every day.
We started teaching a couple that the hermanas of the ward were working with until they moved into our area. They've recently moved from Venezuela and are really cool. They understand the gospel and the importance of having it in their lives, they just feel like they need more time till they are baptized. I love it when people are honest with us because they're most likely honest with God. It's much easier to teach someone who has concerns when they tell you instead of just us talking. Very enjoyable to work through a doubt with someone and help them understand it rather than to just give them the answer. I'm glad people took the time with me as well. Thanks everyone!

Till next time,
Elder Bryan

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