October 26, 2015
Tracey and the fenceOn our last lesson we ask her what we could do to help her out. Beprepared for the person to give you something to do when asking that.:) she lives out in Morristown, super spread out cowboy country andneeded a fence built for a new horse pen. Elder Cespedes and I nowknow how to build a solid fence so in case someone needs one. Shegreatly appreciated our help and I think we've broken through the ice.She knows now that we really do care because our actions backed up ourwords. She might even have more projects for us to help out with!The Wenden MiracleOn Friday we had our long awaited movie night-The Cokeville Miracle-at the branch building. The two senior couple missionaries set theevent up and together we propaganda-ed for a month trying to getpeople to come. Well when it was all said and done, 37 people showedup! It was simply awesome. The Dominski family all came, of which theyoungest son will be baptized here pretty soon. It was really funny,when something started to go wrong in the movie, half of the crowdwould loudly say something, "Oh that's a bad man", "I can't believeit!" "Where are the police?". This happened throughout the entiremovie, either because they were old or others very young or just wereused to speaking to the tv because it's Salome and there isn't manypeople around I'm not sure. All I know I had a hard time not laughing.Also, no clue the Sister Conger was a part of that event. That wasneat! Also also, congrats to Dan Harvey for being the best 'highschooler praying in a gym' ever!Going out to Wenden on Friday night was the highlight because a lot ofour plans fell through this week. But there was this cool thing thathappened...Gas StationAfter we had many lessons cancel one evening I felt that we needed togo to the gas station. We filled up on gas and then I felt like weneeded to go inside and see if there was something we needed inside.I'm sure Elder Cespedes thought I was plain weird because that's how Ifelt about myself. We milled around for a bit, and then I felt like itwas time to leave. So not buying anything we walk out and bump intothis rougher crowd going into the station. They looked at us allstartled like and then told us they needed us to help them. Yay! Theytook us to their car where an leathery old man was in pain. He askedif we could give him a blessing which we of course said yes to. One ofthe ladies suggested we put him on top of the car right there butthere was a few bars right next door and the atmosphere wasn'tfriendly. We decided to take him to the church where we gave theblessing. The family was traveling from Twin Falls to Tempe and areworking on getting active again. Super cool to have been a part oftheir process back. It reminded me that I need to be ready alwaysbecause I never know when I'll need to use it.Red, our favorite crazy, has gone cold turkey and working on gettinghis girlfriend down in Surprise to meet us and take the lessons. Hewas also at church which was sweet! Many members welcomed him in whichwas huge.Happy Halloween y'all!!!Love,Elder Bryan
October 20, 2015
Right now it's drizzling, this week it's been on and off which hasbeen a nice change. This desert needs a few drops every now and then.When there's an option to wear my rain jacket I have to take advantageof it. Elder Cespedes got to see some real flash flooding which was alot of fun. Driving during a flash flood in a dirt road is quite anexperience.We found out today that Elder Cespedes and I are going to be stayinghere together. We're both super excited! This transfer is going to bestraight fun and I'm looking forward to these next 6 weeks."Red"On Sunday I sat down outside of the bishops office as I waited forElder Cespedes to return from Wenden, I looked over and saw a bikerolder man with a fedora on, he starred at me all weird, laughed loudlyand then introduced himself as Red. He's a less active who wants tocome back and lives on our street which is awesome.TraceyWe decided on Thursday to call up every member in Morristown that wedidn't recognize. It was a long list and everyone who answered werehaving bad hair days or something. No luck. Till the very last name,Tracey. She just had gotten back from Alberta a week earlier on afriends ranch and was happy we called. We stopped by later that nightas well as yesterday with Brother Busby who you wouldn't even know hehadn't been in the church for 23 years. Tracey is inactive but wantsto return, the thing that had held her back was a divorce, her fiancéepassing away, and many legal and health problems that followed. She'sthe toughest lady I've personally ever met. I wouldn't be surprised ifshe ate nails for breakfast....without milk (Arthur reference). Wepromised to help her build a horse fence this week and testified ofeternal marriages. She felt the spirit and was glad that someone tookthe time to visit her. I think sometimes we all just need someone whocan sit and listen. That sometimes seems very insignificant to me butI see it help immensely so it must be important.In other news, Niyierma came to church again and this time brought hergranddaughter. This is twice in a row and shows us that something haschanged between a year ago and now. We're not sure what exactly iskeeping her from being baptized but we're going to figure out where togo from here. She's keeping every commitment now which is some realprogress.We also had a zone conference on Friday with the mission president.The focus was on service and what we can do to get our areas fromphase one: the missionaries do all the work to phase two: themissionaries with some help to phase three: the members do missionarywork and the missionaries help. President griffin let us know that thekey to doing this is by serving the people and letting them know we'reserious about it. In our area we set up a weekly service project outat Robson's Mining World to help unearth antiques in the barn andcategorizing them- a huge task since the barn alone has more thingsthen the actual Wickenburg western museum.My ponderizing scripture for the week is Mathew 11:28-30. What's yours?Elder Bryan
BrandonBrandon's funeral was Saturday. The service was a very positive anduplifting service. His older sister had returned from a mission inNauvoo and a brother was married just a few weeks ago. People couldhave focused on the negatives but instead saw it as a blessing to havethe whole family and enjoy the time together. The bishop gave a goodtalk on how Brandon IS and how the plan of Salvation fits into our ownlives. He also let us know his personal opinion that he felt it wasonly a tragic accident and nothing more. Brandon was to be called as award missionary this Sunday, I look up to his young example, he reallyis an astounding missionary. I'm grateful for these opportunities towork with people like Brandon.DavidThe man who works at the car dealership, and we ran into at Brandon'sfamily's place, spoke at Brandon's funeral. He didn't know Brandon verywell but said that because of him he wants to join the church. Davidgoes to mission prep class down in Surprise where he acts as aninvestigator (which he is) to help the people preparing for theirmission teach the lessons. It's cool to have someone so pumped aboutwhat we do. He told us in a text, "if I didn't have a wife and kids,I'd move in with you guys and you could teach me every night." I feelreally good because we have been pressured to confront him and startteaching him but I wanted it to be natural and not odd like how I'veseen some people go about the whole thing. Our prayers were answeredand David doesn't think we're fruitcakes. Trying to go at the speedthat is needed and not just my way is a challenge but when I listen tothe spirit and obey, it feels so good. You'd think I'd be perfect atfollowing those promptings but I'm still working on that.Church attendanceThis was a good week for people going to church. Niyierma surprised meas I was setting up the translating equipment. This was somethingwe've had a hard time helping her do so we're stoked. Kissy, wife ofRogelio, showed up to church out in Wenden. She told us she'd haveevery other Sunday off but decided to try to make it every week andwants us to teach her and help answer some of her doubts. It's awesometo see Rogelio being a good example (new convert of a year) and comingagain as well. Heather was there, nice and early, super excited to bethere. It's really cool to see new converts feel the joy of keepingthe commandments. Makes me rethink how I view the Gospel. Is thegospel still wonderful to you?Overall this week has been insane. Fast and fun and exhausting. Inever want to drive again, at least without some Efy music orconference talks. But I love this area too much to want to do anythingelse.Enjoy fall,Elder Bryan
October 4, 2015
Elder CespedesThis guy! I've been super impressed by how fast Elder C is taking inall of missionary life. I've let him take the lead in all aspects inthe work and man, he's risen up to the challenge. There was a timethis week when we ran into some drunk bum who tried arguing with us. Ididn't even have to look at Elder Cespedes and he took charge andkindly yet firmly let the wild man know we had places to go andweren't interested in combating-verbally or physically. He's ready togo and be the leader which is excellent because transfers are comingup. It's easy to train when the person you're working with is humble.These next few weeks will be so sweet!General ConferenceWe watched general Conference at the ward building with some of themembers who couldn't watch it any other way as well as some who wantedto eliminate some distractions. It was very peaceful to be able tojust sit and listen to the inspired speakers. I don't have a favoritetalk yet but very much enjoyed the ideas of asking 'what is stoppingme from progressing?' as well as 'Ponderizing'. I chose this morningHelaman. 5:12 to start this week. I'm anxious to see how this adds tomy studies and general mood. It's so true how we need to not only stayaway from the many evils in this world but actively combat it.Thoughts turn into actions and this is a great way to make our mindsan uplifting place.On a sad note, we learned this morning from Brother Shumway thatBrandon, the young man who came with us on an all day split out inWenden, just passed away. He had graduated early and was alwaysavailable to go with us to lessons. It saddens me that we lost such abright and energetically positive guy. I'm grateful for the eternalperspective that I have thanks to this gospel. The scriptures are likeold friends who are always there, this morning I read several versesthat are so important and encouraging.Mormon 9:11-13 But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, even the God ofAbraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and it is thatsame God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that inthem are.12 Behold, he created Adam, and by Adam came the fall of man. Andbecause of the fall of man came Jesus Christ, even the Father and theSon; and because of Jesus Christ came the redemption of man.13 And because of the redemption of man, which came by Jesus Christ,they are brought back into the presence of the Lord; yea, this iswherein all men are redeemed, because the death of Christ bringeth topass the resurrection, which bringeth to pass a redemption from anendless sleep, from which sleep all men shall be awakened by the powerof God when the trump shall sound; and they shall come forth, bothsmall and great, and all shall stand before his bar, being redeemedand loosed from this eternal band of death, which death is a temporaldeathIt's comforting to know that Brandon is still alive, doing missionarywork on the other side. One day I'll see him and Warren and others whohave moved on.The past couple weeks we've had to drop all of our investigators whichmakes for some dull weekly letters, my apologies. You might rememberBrenda, the famous yard sale lady. We stopped by to donate some oldclothes and found that she was still interested, very unlike the signswe were getting over the phone. She even committed to baptism if shegot an answer. This Tuesday we are going over to get some things downfrom up high in her shed to set up for her Christmas season and set upa lesson with some members who also live in Congress. We feel superexcited for what's in store, both the members and Brenda want to getthe ball rolling. Nothing's better for me than coordinating a lessonand then having members who can be a friend to these people, help usteach them. Teaching is the best!Love,Elder Bryan
September 28, 2015
We've enjoyed this week seeing members start doing missionary work,informing us on where their friends and contacts are progressing.Nothing better than having normal people invite people they know tolearn more about the Gospel. Sometimes we need to think about how theymust feel when we go to invite them. We can look strange but we wanteveryone to know we're just regular people who want to share what wehave.Heather!Heather who was baptized in July moved out of our area and out ofactivity in the church. We were super sad and not understanding whathappened. We reconnected the other day when a member told us she movedback into town. It's like she never left. Elder Chase Bryan is stillconfused but happy she wants to get back into the swing of things.General ConferenceGeneral Conference is this weekend!!!As a missionary, general conference is the best. Everyone we meet,"you know anything bout prophets? Haha well (flip hair in the wind)would you like to hear on this Saturday?" Obviously it goes nothinglike that but you get the gist.Sunday attendanceFor a couple weeks we've been going on full day exchanges in Wendenwith little results but we all felt like we were changing things.These past two weeks we first doubled the attendance from 5 to 12members to this week of 20 people. The coolest part was everyone therewas from the branch and not on an assignment from the stake to talk oreven the branch presidents family. Wahoo! Elder Nistler came down togo to a sealing in Verrado and drove me to the branch on Sunday. Itwas really cool to chat with him, especially since he served in thisarea. It's really cool to see how close of friends we've become.Didn't have much time today to write, I've been driving these eldersall around Surprise. Love you all though!Elder Bryan
September 14, 2015
District 4Whenever we could, we have tried this week to find people in theelders quorum home-teaching list who aren't easy to find, districtfour. When someone moves and doesn't let anyone know where they are,it creates a 'black hole' which many missionaries fall into, goingtime and time again to visit members because they're new to the areaand getting nowhere. In the process we've found a less active guy whofeels nature is his church. We'll work slowly with him and with thewards help, invite him to come back.Dan HanThis myth of a guy has been giving me grief for quite some time. Wewould set up a lesson and then we go to an old address, or neverresponds but tells all the members that he wants to get baptized anddoesn't know what our problem is. We finally finally got to meet himface to face at a dinner with some members and turns out, he justmoved to circle city- community on the very border outside our area.This makes it the 4 person who's moved right outside our area. Neverthought I'd have to explain Ward boundaries so many times and why wecan't teach them. Slipped right through our fingers. Move back Dan!Wenden SplitOn Wednesday we went on a 3 team finding activity-brother Erekson,president Bohlen, brother lamb, Brandon (youth from Wickenburg), andus. It was extremely successful. We found in those hours, around adozen or more households who were interested in visits, going tochurch, and/or the movie we will be playing at the branch building inOctober. The most promising is Ken and Katrina who live right next tosister Stewart- a teacher in Blythe who we helped move on Saturday.They just moved in from Utah, like the church and invited us back foranother visit. While we were moving furniture from sister Stewart's,ken came over to help out. Even though I still can't figure out whyeveryone decides to move at the hottest time of year at the hottesthours of the day, I've come to realize that if someone can willinglyand actively search for opportunities to serve someone else-they willmore readily accept the gospel.Brother Lamb who's a service missionary with his wife for the branchis on fire with missionary work. We agree that there are five familiesin Salome/Wenden who are waiting to hear the message of the gospel.Stoked for more splits in the coming weeks.NiyiermaWe had several lessons with Niyierma this week, a dropped investigatorwho showed up as a referral in our area book from who knows where.We're thinking the change from last time is that we have sisterMueller coming with us to the lessons. Last time she didn't havefriends to be with and so she stopped going to church because she feltlike an outsider and the missionaries dropped her. She's on the ballwith the reading assignments and writes down questions she has aboutthe doctrine that she reads about. Sister mueller is a convert and oneof the best people to have at lessons. Someone could say, "I just needmore time" and she can shot that down with her personal experience ofwaiting many years and how she wishes she didn't postpone. Things thatwouldn't have the same weight if we said them. She's also going toinvite her friend who we haven't been lucky enough to contact, Mari,into her home for a family home evening.
The cool thing is that anybody can be a superstar like sister Mueller,just actually have to put forth a little effort.Love,Elder Bryan